Natalia Kepesz
The inspiration for Natalia Kepesz’s work "LET THIS DEAD PHOTOGRAPH REMINDS YOU OF ME ALIVE" is the story of her grandmother, who ran away from home at the age 17 to fight in the World War II.
Natalia Kepesz
The inspiration for Natalia Kepesz’s work "LET THIS DEAD PHOTOGRAPH REMINDS YOU OF ME ALIVE" is the story of her grandmother, who ran away from home at the age 17 to fight in the World War II. She sent her mother a photograph from the front in 1945. On the back was written: let this dead photographs reminds you of me alive. Natalia’s work deals with the stages of Polish war memory, especially with the reenactment of World War II in Poland.
Natalia takes analog black and white photographs, which she gets recolored in the next step. This fulfills the experience longed for by the players to „bring to life“ those old black and white war photographs. With this approach of coloring the reenactment photographs she also brings the mediality of photography into focus.